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Dandelion lower Prices for 2024. Special discount for quantity orders. Ring us on 0433346863 for details.
EAL Secondary School Workbooks available for students new to English.
Leaving Certificate Exam Papers are available for Exam 2025
Phonics Packs

Full range of Jolly Phonics and Dandelion Phonics. Teacher/Class Packs available. Phone us for bulk order deals.

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Mantra Lingua books offer 29 Dual Language options covering over 200 titles from Infants up to 6th Class. They are also recommended for library grant worth €500.00 Dictionaries are available in most Dual language versions and can also be used with an Electronic Talking Pen which is optional.

Mantra Lingua books offer 29 Dual Language options covering over 200 titles from Infants up to 6th Class. They are also recommended for library grant worth €500.00 Dictionaries are available in most Dual language versions and can also be used with an Electronic Talking Pen which is optional.
Mantra Lingua